The Dissertation Fellowship is intended to facilitate the timely completion of high-quality manuscripts and dissertations. Grants up to $5,000
2019-2020 Dissertation Fellowship (PDF)
Student eligibility criteria:
- Students have advanced to doctoral candidacy (post-qualifying/ABD) and have one year remaining of dissertation writing. PhD FT certified students are eligible.
- Primary consideration is given to students who are conducting outstanding research in their discipline and have established a notable record of scholarship during their doctoral studies.
- Students must be making adequate academic progress toward their degree.
- If awarded, recipients must attest that they will work full time on their dissertation during the period of the fellowship and will not work more than 25% effort outside of the university during that time.
Nomination Procedures:
- Each PhD granting department/program may nominate up to three students (unranked). All nominations will be submitted to the Graduate School Office by the acting graduate director.
Application and Submission:
Applications should include (total application not to exceed 5 pages):
- 2019-2020 Dissertation Fellowship Student Application (writable PDF)
- A dissertation abstract (1 page)
- A narrative description of the work to be completed during the award year (1 page)
- A statement explaining how your current means of financial support precludes or significantly interferes with your ability to complete your dissertation in a timely manner and how this award would enhance your research productivity.
- A numbered list of published or accepted manuscripts from work done at Rutgers University – Camden. Provide full citation and number of pages. Indicate clearly if the manuscript is an original article, book chapter, or refereed conference proceeding.
- A numbered list of professional presentations (given or accepted) from work done at Rutgers University – Camden. Only list presentation that have not been previously listed. Provide conference name, location, and date.
- A summary of previous and ongoing financial support during Doctoral Studies at RU-C (e.g. TA, GA, Fellowships, scholarship, etc.).
- A list of all external funding applied for by the student. Indicate if funding was awarded, the amount awarded, and period of support provided. Please designate internal funding vs. external funding.
- Clear and detailed timeline that indicates the student will finish dissertation during the academic year of the award.
- 2019-2020 Dissertation Fellowship Nomination Form (writable PDF)
Nominations are due to the Senior Associate Dean for Research by Friday, March 15, 2019. Electronic submissions (Adobe PDF) are required and should be sent to fasresearch@camden.rutgers.edu. Save your file name as LastName_Department_Dissertation Fellowship. Please indicate “2019-2020 Dissertation Fellowship” in the subject line of your email.
The Research Funding Committee will evaluate and rank all proposals. Nominations will be evaluated by:
- Academic and research performance at Rutgers-Camden
- Originality and scholarly promise of dissertation project
- Potential impact of research
- Evidence of likely completion during the 2019-2020 academic year
For research reimbursement policies and guidelines, please see the Procedures for Requesting Reimbursement.