2019-2020 Graduation Paperwork Deadlines

All dates are subject to change. The diploma application for all students is online.

Date of Graduation

Deadline for Submission of Online Diploma Application

Deadline for Submission of Application for Admission to Candidacy for Degree/Certificate and Thesis/Dissertation

October 2019

Wednesday, August 15, 2019

Thursday, September 19, 2019

January 2020

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Monday, January 6, 2020

May 2020

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Monday, May 4, 2020 (PhD Students Only)
Thursday, May 7, 2020 All Other Students   

2019 Commencement for all October, January, and May graduates will be held in May at the BB&T Pavilion in Camden. 


Commencement for all October 2019, January 2020 and May 2020 certified graduates will be held in May at the BB&T Pavilion. Visit https://fas.camden.rutgers.edu/commencement/ for more information. 

Graduation Requirements By Degree

Please note that students must be an “active” student to be eligible to apply for graduation.

MA (Non-thesis) Candidates

1. Complete the Online Diploma Application by the date listed above.

2. Complete the Application for Admission to Candidacy for Degree form.  Please note:

  • Section A of Part II must be completed by your graduate director only if your program requires a comprehensive exam.
  • Section C of Part II must be signed by the instructor who taught the course that satisfies your writing requirement. 
  • Your graduate director must sign at the end of Part I and again in Section D of Part II.
  • The completed form must then be received in the Dean’s Office for final review and certification by the deadline noted above.
MA (Thesis Option) Candidates

1. Complete the Online Diploma Application by the date listed above.

2. Complete the Application for Admission to Candidacy for Degree form. Please note:

  • Section B of Part II must be signed by your thesis advisor. 
  • Your graduate director must sign at the end of Part I and again in Sections B and D of Part II.
  • The completed form must then be received in the Dean’s Office for final review and certification by the deadline noted above.
  • Your final approved thesis must be formatted according to the university guidelines in the Thesis Style Guide and uploaded to the Rutgers ETD site by the deadline noted above. Failure to comply with style guide will delay and/or prohibit your certification for graduation. 
  • A hard copy of the signed title page of the thesis must be delivered to the Dean’s Office by the deadline noted above.
  • A copy of the unsigned title page must be included with the thesis as part of the electronic submission.
MA Liberal Studies Candidates

1. Complete the Online Diploma Application by the date listed above.

2. Complete the Application for Admission to Candidacy for Degree form. Please note:

  • Section B of Part II must be signed by your capstone advisor.
  • Your graduate director must sign at the end of Part I and again in Sections B and D of Part II.
  • The completed form must then be received in the Dean’s Office for final review and certification by the deadline noted above.
  • Your final approved capstone must be formatted according to the university guidelines in the Capstone Style Guide and uploaded to the Rutgers ETD site by the deadline noted above.  Failure to comply with style guide will delay and/or prohibit your certification for graduation.
  • A hard copy of the signed title page of the capstone must be delivered to the Dean’s Office by the deadline noted above.
  • A copy of the unsigned title page must be included with the uploaded capstone.
MA CJ/MPA Dual Degree Candidates

1. Complete the Online Diploma Application by the date listed above for both Criminal Justice and MPA dual degree.

2. Complete the Application for Admission to Candidacy Degree MA/MPA form.  Please note:

  • Section A of Part II must be completed by your Criminal Justice graduate director.
  • Section B or C of Part II must be signed by the instructor who taught the course that satisfies your writing requirement or your capstone. 
  • Your Criminal Justice and MPA graduate directors must sign at the end of Part I and again in Section D of Part II.
  • The completed form must then be received in the Dean’s Office for final review and certification by the deadline noted above.
MS (Non-thesis) Candidates

1. Complete the Online Diploma Application by the date listed above.

2. Complete the Application for Admission to Candidacy for Degree form.  Please note:

  • Section A of Part II must be completed by your graduate director only if your program requires a comprehensive exam.
  • Section C of Part II must be signed by the instructor who taught the course that satisfies your writing requirement. 
  • Your graduate director must sign at the end of Part I and again in Section D of Part II.
  • The completed form must then be received in the Dean’s Office for final review and certification by the deadline noted above.
MS (Thesis Option) Candidates

1. Complete the Online Diploma Application by the date listed above.

2. Complete the Application for Admission to Candidacy for Degree form. Please note:

  • Section B of Part II must be signed by your thesis advisor. 
  • Your graduate director must sign at the end of Part I and again in Sections B and D of Part II.
  • The completed form must then be received in the Dean’s Office for final review and certification by the deadline noted above.
  • Your final approved thesis must be formatted according to the university guidelines in the Thesis Style Guide and uploaded to the Rutgers ETD site by the deadline noted above.  Failure to comply with style guide will delay and/or prohibit your certification for graduation. 
  • A hard copy of the signed title page of the thesis must be delivered to the Dean’s Office by the deadline noted above.
  • A copy of the unsigned title page must be included with the thesis as part of the electronic submission.
MAT Candidates

1. Complete the Online Diploma Application by the date listed above.

2. Complete the Application for Admission to Candidacy for Degree form.  Please note:

  • Section A of Part II must be completed by your graduate director only if your program requires a comprehensive exam.
  • Section C of Part II must be signed by the instructor who taught the course that satisfies your writing requirement. 
  • Your graduate director must sign at the end of Part I and again in Section D of Part II.
  • The completed form must then be received in the Dean’s Office for final review and certification by the deadline noted above.

MBS Candidates

1. Complete the Online Diploma Application by the date listed above.

2. Complete the Application for Admission to Candidacy for Degree form.  Please note:

  • Section A of Part II must be completed by your graduate director only if your program requires a comprehensive exam.
  • Section C of Part II must be signed by the instructor who taught the course that satisfies your writing requirement. 
  • Your graduate director must sign at the end of Part I and again in Section D of Part II.
  • The completed form must then be received in the Dean’s Office for final review and certification by the deadline noted above.

MFA Candidates

1. Complete the Online Diploma Application by the date listed above.

2. Complete the Application for Admission to Candidacy for Degree form. Please note:

  • Section B of Part II must be signed by your thesis advisor. 
  • Your graduate director must sign at the end of Part I and again in Sections B and D of Part II.
  • The completed form must then be received in the Dean’s Office for final review and certification by the deadline noted above.
  • Your final approved thesis must be formatted according to the university guidelines in the Thesis Style Guide and uploaded to the Rutgers ETD site by the deadline noted above.  Failure to comply with style guide will delay and/or prohibit your certification for graduation. 
  • A hard copy of the signed title page of the thesis must be delivered to the Dean’s Office by the deadline noted above.
  • A copy of the unsigned title page must be included with the thesis as part of the electronic submission.
MPA Candidates

1. Complete the Online Diploma Application by the date listed above.

2. Complete the Application for Admission to Candidacy for Degree form.  Please note:

  • Section A of Part II must be completed by your graduate director only if your program requires a comprehensive exam.
  • Section C of Part II must be signed by the instructor who taught the course that satisfies your writing requirement. 
  • Your graduate director must sign at the end of Part I and again in Section D of Part II.
  • The completed form must then be received in the Dean’s Office for final review and certification by the deadline noted above.
  • MPA/EMPA students do not upload their capstone to the ETD site. 

PhD Candidates

1. Complete the Online Diploma Application by the date listed above.

2. Complete the Application for Admission to Candidacy for Degree form. Please note:

  • Section B of Part II must be signed by your dissertation chair. 
  • Your graduate director must sign at the end of Part I and again in Sections B and D of Part II.
  • The form must be received in the Dean’s Office by the deadline noted below.
  • Your final approved dissertation must be uploaded to the Rutgers ETD site by the date listed below. Please be sure to follow all style guidelines outlined in the Dissertation Style Guide. Failure to comply with style guide will delay and/or prohibit your certification for graduation. 
  • A hard copy of the signed title page of the thesis must be delivered to the Dean’s Office by the deadline noted below. 
  • A copy of the unsigned title page must be included with the dissertation as part of the electronic submission.
  • Your signed Final Dissertation Certification must be on file in the Dean’s Office. 
  • Please remember to complete the PhD Exit Survey prior to graduation.  Please include the confirmation page in your completed graduation application. If you have trouble logging in, please contact Rutgers-IR_Surveys@irap.rutgers.edu
  • Please remember to complete the Survey of Earned Doctorates prior to graduation. The current questionnaire may be found here: https://sed-ncses.org/GradDateRouter.aspx  Please include the confirmation page in your completed graduation application.
Certificate Candidates


Contact Amy Liberi, Assistant Dean, at (856) 225-2765 or aliberi@camden.rutgers.edu.