February 2025: Navigating New Federal Government Actions and Requirements

The executive branch of the federal government has recently released a series of executive orders that have led to questions and concern from many in our community. The university is monitoring the situation and advocating on behalf of higher education and Rutgers. This webpage has been established to provide the Rutgers community information and guidance and to help faculty, students, and staff continue their work.

January 2025: Federal Activity and Rutgers Mission

May 2021: Undocumented immigrants may get a drivers license in New Jersey

Starting May 1, the Motor Vehicles Commission (MVC) announced that New Jersey residents with a Social Security number or Individual Taxpayer ID Number (ITIN) will be able to make appointments for driver licenses without regard to immigration status. Individuals who do not have either a Social Security number or ITIN will be able to provide an affidavit to meet this requirement, starting around June 1. Go here for more information and frequently asked questions.