The Rutgers-Camden food pantry is located in the Offices at 215, Room 119, and is available to available to all students with a Rutgers ID, Rutgers Alumni and  Rutgers Staff/Faculty.. The Rutgers-Camden Food Pantry is a direct response to the need among the student population for more resources to fight food insecurity. With rising fees, textbook costs, and living expenses, it has become increasingly difficult for students to juggle the costs of living with the costs of obtaining a university degree, and thus many students are finding themselves choosing between essentials such as food and the costs of college. The Food Pantry was established to provide emergency relief to help students at Rutgers-Camden 

To make an appointment, contact 856-225-6005 or book an appointment online. You are welcome to come to the pantry once per week. You may come every week, or just when you need our help. For more information on the RU-Camden Food Pantry, go here.